The After Life of Monique Wittig
December 13 Paris 8
Wittig and ecofeminism 14h-15h
Estelle Coppolani (Amsterdam) – Luce DeLire (Berlin)
Wittig and race 15h-16h
Hourya Bentouhami (Toulouse) – Joao Gabriel (visio from Guadeloupe)
Wittig and the gender mark 16h30-17h30
Star Finch – Helen Fishman (NYU-will be in Paris at this time)
Saturday, December 14 Pompidou
Wittig and the norm 14h-15h
Sara Garbagnoli – Pierre Niedergang
Wittig and psychoanalysis 3-4pm
Laurie Laufer – Salima Boutebal
Wittig and political philosophy 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Pauline Clochec – Catherine Malabou